Friday, June 23, 2006

Irony of Life

This shud be our life is too short to mess arnd.....
To Live each year........ each month......
To Live each month .......... live each week.........
To Live each week............. live each day............
To Live each day................. live each moment......
LIve each elsewise life with cut down the life's


me said...

oye wat happened...haan?

waise i agree wid u...sometimes pple u trust the most fail to understand u.....n then u get hurt.....extremely hurt, but the trick is to just move on...pple r wat they r n u r wat u just b wat u r n move evry moment...ironies will always remain!

DREAM said...

@ me
Well said....
same thinking line as always! :)

~ Deeps ~ said...

hey gal...relax.....cheer up....its all part of learning curve for us.....unless u dont face these kind of people how will u start recognising who can be true friend or who cant.........believe me...i have been through situations like this and with time i have come to know whom i can trust and whom i can not ........but yeah i agree the best for u is u urself and no one else....but rest of the world is not that bad also