Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What is MERCHANDISING ???????
It has been the toughest year for me , for the first time, explaining people as wat my course is all about..
Most of us confuse Merchandising with fashion designing.....
Though, Merchandising and Fashion designing , both cater to the apparel(garment) industry...but the jobs are entirely different....
Merchandising as per the dictionary term implies the "buying and selling of goods". But in the apparel industry ---
the term exaggerates to a more detailed job work...
A merchandiser is a manager specific to the export and the buying houses.
A merchandiser is one, who is the only link between the buyer and the company. The merchandiser oversees various departments(as in cutting,sewing,finishing..) and is responsible for the completion of the order placed by the buyer.Any fault at any stage might count as the merchandiser's responsibility.And has to be rectified at the cheapest available cost as the market for this industry is most price sensitive.
Also a merchandiser should have an indepth knowledge of all the critical points in an garment....,the know how of various fabrics.., and management and marketing concepts.
Till past few years ,the demand for the merchandisers was less as only the big names in the industry were requiring specific heads.This was done to render the timely delivery of the orders in th export market. But today when the economic boundaries have begun to fade out and the world market has been opened to all , all small and big companies are directing towards and upgradation and a systematic approach to work.
Thus the industry is at its peak to absorb the merchandisers and make huge benefits..
I think this post shoud bring an idea and an understanding of the job!
BBye for now
Njoy life
Never stop dreaming

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