Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is InDia's EconOmy GrOwing ????
Few days bak at probably 4:00 in the morning i challeged a 17 year old girl from Canada, without any thought that within 20 years from now, India would be the biggest economy in the world. Though she found the statement syntactically wrong(i do not understand why .....)
But to my thoughts something else was building up..... the liability of the statement...
Will India be a super power in the near future or for say ; any day ....
We all know the rising popularity of China in the world economy...... n the diminishing status
of still said superpower ,the U.S.
Yes i agree that its been the U.S dominance as a world leader for a very long time now and we say that there is a unipolar nature in the global economy.. with only two countries as Japan and china next to U.S. which are still too far from its current position.
But according to an estimation made by an organisation .... based on the current trends....
Within next 15 years, China would be the world’s biggest economy followed by U.S and India. India currently at 4th position will move ahead of Japan... currently at 3rd position.
Already since 80's India,China along with South Korea have been contributing to the rising share of Asia in world GDP.
By 2025 the Indian economy is projected to be about 60 per cent the size of the US economy. The transformation into a tri-polar economy will be complete by 2035, with the Indian economy only a little smaller than the US economy but larger than that of Western Europe.
Thus the prognosis (based on facts and figures) makes me realize that even though India may not b the biggest economy even in 30 yrs from now, but yes it would the biggest threat to the then superpower.... China and would surely be the third soundest economy(very close to U.S. )followed by Japan.
bbye for now...
Njoy life
Never Stop Dreaming


Anonymous said...

soneya, yeh dil bara pagal hai..:)

DREAM said...

if i am not wrong i know its d cheater from C. Helo soneya ji ...
dil nu sambhalo....
n keep reading...