Thursday, September 01, 2005

INteresTing WoRds........

Wow got a mail few hrs bak with sth interesting to read.........
actualy got my hand on a word.....
which is now being added to the american dictionaries ....The word is
its a verb meaning .. the person has lost his/her job bcoz the job is being outsourced to bangalore(one of the cities in India which has the reputation of being high tech city in America and the world.A lot of multi nationals are based in bangalore.. and the word has been noticed to be in use as a slang in U.S. since 1 year or so ... and is finally being added into to the dictionaries..
Interesting ...... though it gives a bad name to the most techno place with techno brains in our country........ which has also got the recognition world over... and is still attracting more perspective clients to invest and earn benefits...
BBye for now

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