Sunday, January 08, 2006

Jai Mata DI !!!!!!

Finally,after a long wait , the trip to the shrine Vaishno Devi came to an end..... Stil can't believe it was me who hiked for 28 km in one day(17 hours) with as little as i gues 2-3 hours rest.....
We started our hike at 1:00 in the afternoon and then walked for like 4 hrs stretch...before reaching to adguvari( mid point of the distance to main darbar) .....I guess it ws the chanting( jai mata di) power that kept us moving.... i did not remember nything of my earlier visit to the place.....may be the time gap accounted for such a lapse of memory.....
Unkown people moving on the way greeting u with jai mata di... offered such a feel of exult.. that the distance to the shrine just seemed collapsing....
We compeleted our darshan after being to 3 important places dere which included adhguvari, darbar and Bhairao temple ..... all through our way we were looking for snow ...n found it only when we were on our way to Bhairo temple...its said the hike to d place is arduous as it is very steep and narrow...Though i found the path narrow.. but the steep part is a little exaggeration ..........
As the winters are at their peak in north of India..... crowd at the place seemed the darshan ws done very conveniently at all the places.........
Overall it ws a wonderful trip.... As we were pretty much outsiders in the trip with all undergarduate students form delhi university..... they all were helpful enough to add masti to the trip...
Thats it guess...N i really feel grt to start my new year with these 3 days of experience......Tomorrow is my first day of 2 months internship... and am realy nervous right now.....Jst pray for a wonderful learning event....through out this time period!!!
BBye for now!
Njoy Life
Never Stop Dreaming!!!!!


me said...

jai mata di....had a fun trip...gr8 begining to the new yr..... n once again all the best for the internship n wish me the same...hehe.

~ Deeps ~ said...

gud to c u starting the yr on good note.....btw how did u managed to take a bath in such a low tem before darshan.....
i have been planning to make a trip there but alas...being in chennai my trip to del always limit down to home....

all the best for intership ...wat do u do ? wat kind intership it is ?

R said...

good luck for internship!! where?

R said...


DREAM said...

@ deeps & Rohit

Thank u very much.As this is my final year of merchandising ,so hv bn placed in an export house for 2 months as a part of the program.:)

@ Rohit
Sorry for not updating the blog..hv bn very busy since last few days..but will def do it soon...n hey d pics last posted at ur blog were cool!

me said...

hv to mk a comment on ur recent c i didnt comment on tht..hehe. just wanted to say thnx for updating madam....hey i hope its fine wid u n if its not u can even delete dis comment.

DREAM said...

hey pls its always a pleasure tto receive a comment from u .....n no reason to delete this 1...
wud like to know abt ur comment on my last pls post it on this one.....:)

me said...

ok since im now allowed to comment on ur palmistry waali post....i just wanted to say tht different pple hv different perceptions for such things.even i believe in all dis bt to sum extent, so plz learn palmistry asap n plz plz plz lemme b the 1st one to show my palm to u:)

DREAM said...

Yar i wish to get a tutor ...not a formal training...but u know a litlle bit....:)) n i promise u'l b d first 1 for me to apply d learning pls dun kil me dat time....:))

me said...

thnk u thnk u....abbey y will i kill my panditji...haha