Saturday, February 18, 2006


This is 2005 and we are still dominated and this "we" includes the womanhood and here i am not considering the uneducated. My sphere includes all well eduacted men, men of today, part of global India with the minds of past.
It gives me bizzare feelings when men around ( ) feel that a girl is considered good and nice when she accepts the dictatorship with a smile. The word sounds heavy but the harsh part is that even though he knows his action is wrong, he still wishes the good girl to react nicely otherwise.... she is a changed person... some1 no more acceptable.
Why is that in our society, the moment a girl realizes to enjoy her life too, the male dominance interferes with not justtifiable arguements. And the moment a girl starts asking the whys? for all Nos' she is no more considered to fit in the good girl category. Its still considered wrong for girls to think and act on their own. Even though the girl is ready for the families to get married but when it comes to decisions about what she should do on her daily events will be guided by our dominant society.
Women of today know their limitations and the right amnt of freedom healthy for their life.
Its high time when men should realize the importance of delivering an open atmosphere for "we" to breathe a sense of feeling as an responsible indvidual who can think than giving a feeling of being shadowed under the wrong dominance.


~ Deeps ~ said...

unfortunately wat all u said is true and more so in case of indian men.....i have always said that and will repeat again that 95% of indian men are typical MCP's

but the worst is when a woman too start thinking on the same lines.....

me said...

i can understand every single word of ur post frm the core of my heart...these very things become hurdles in the development of a woman as a whole....wat pple out thr expect us to do is just to listen wat their so called dominant society says n pretend to b happy wid i know how difficult is to live life on sumone else's terms.n i just wish tht "we" cud live life the way we want to!!!

DREAM said...

# deeps
I just wish for 1 day when every guy is made to live a life of being a woman!! N hey what do u mean by MCPs?

me too! :)

R said...

I'm so totally with Deepak. Nothing left to say, this is what I wanted to write.

~ Deeps ~ said...

MCP means male chavunist pig...a typical male who believe that he is superior to women in every aspect.....

Palak Chokshi said...

I don't know where I read this but someone's blog title was "Be the change..Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi" and I do agree that Indian society is male dominated, I do agree its a bad thing and I also know that one person can make a difference... a small one but still a difference... its only a matter of how much can you take... you try to be different and they will first of all disregard you, if you still persist they'll slander you, if you still have the strength to persist they'll try to crush you... Now tell me are you willing to be that strong? Yes? then go for it.. be different.. and make sure you make your struggle public so that it inspires others... show them you are not just a frustrated bystander who shows her frustration with words on a blog... show them how to lead by being an example... and trust me it'll be like a slap in their faces... and oh yeah by "them" I mean Indian men AND women... because you can't blame it all on the men.. look around you and I'm sure you'll see examples of women who have a set notion about how "good girls should be".. these are the gossiping aunties and "tsk tsk" ing grandmas.. Now don't justify that by saying they can't help it they are conditioned that way.. because guess what men are prone to conditioning too.. My younger sister fought for what she wanted and she made a difference so now whenever any of my gal pals feel frustrated I tell them to do something about it...Mahatma Gandhi said turn your other cheek if someone slaps you but he didn't say what to do when they slap the other cheek too... well they've slapped you long enough.. both cheeks are red... its time they felt the sting too... be strong, be brave there are others out there who think like you.. band together...

DREAM said...

firstly hi and welcome to the blog.
this has prob been the best comment ever.. thank u so much for such wonderful words...really appreciate it...:)

b. said...

Hey I would agree with Deepak...the problem in our society is that more than a man there is a women pulling another down...and that is the sad truth!

DREAM said...

# b
Sorry, but i completely disagree wid u on this..i think deepak has rightly commented with 3 letters "MCPs." as the saddest fact..

me said...

madam blog update karo.