Friday, December 30, 2005

NEW YEAR RESOLUTION-----BIg Reason to LEAve Animal Killing in Life.......

Killing is the biggest crime on the planet....n no one would dare question that.....!!!!!!
As humans, we have been the most bestowed upon living beings on earth. And I guess one should respect the honor of being given the astronomical varieties of food given by nature that makes us survive in the best possible manner.........
Today with the world becoming a one small town, the same food is again felt as being reinvented and offers us the pleasure of having our taste buds renewed....
So why should one killl some1/sth widout giving a thought that what they are eating ws probably alive with similar body parts functioning similarly like our very own!
Till last year i ws the most carefree person regarding the subject....and had always disassociated the nonvegetarian consumption with any religious beliefs.... and i do it till today....
An experience of last year had transformed me and my thoughts and i feel that sharing it might be a step towards..the awakening.....
This ws a programme aired on Aj Tak News Channel.... last year mid of december.....
the programme showcased the story of an old man surviving on we all wats den...wats so surprising and shocking .....
The shocking aspect is how dis person is surviving...This man survives on the bones and flesh of half burnt figures on the pyre in the cremation ground.....
The very first question that came to atleast my mind was that "doesn't he get nything else to survive...... ?????"
N the same question kept moving in my mind the whole if i am calling this man crazy..who has no no money for bread then wat am i doing ....if nature has given us the opportunity of being an omnivore then that shud only mean that only in the most severely devastating conditions, one can/shud loose control for survival...
i hv had non veg food again this year for 15 days during last month when i was not in i saw no options to fit to my taste...may be that was an easy give up ...but would stil control my best to avoid it in future...and would request all to do d same...
New year resolution of sth like dis might b a first thought for few....But...
Remember this should never be part of any resolution....
Not even of a part of following any religion........
Its all about about conscience and the ability to judge and decide the difference between right and wrong...
"Have a Rocking celebration
for th year

Thursday, September 01, 2005

INteresTing WoRds........

Wow got a mail few hrs bak with sth interesting to read.........
actualy got my hand on a word.....
which is now being added to the american dictionaries ....The word is
its a verb meaning .. the person has lost his/her job bcoz the job is being outsourced to bangalore(one of the cities in India which has the reputation of being high tech city in America and the world.A lot of multi nationals are based in bangalore.. and the word has been noticed to be in use as a slang in U.S. since 1 year or so ... and is finally being added into to the dictionaries..
Interesting ...... though it gives a bad name to the most techno place with techno brains in our country........ which has also got the recognition world over... and is still attracting more perspective clients to invest and earn benefits...
BBye for now

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is InDia's EconOmy GrOwing ????
Few days bak at probably 4:00 in the morning i challeged a 17 year old girl from Canada, without any thought that within 20 years from now, India would be the biggest economy in the world. Though she found the statement syntactically wrong(i do not understand why .....)
But to my thoughts something else was building up..... the liability of the statement...
Will India be a super power in the near future or for say ; any day ....
We all know the rising popularity of China in the world economy...... n the diminishing status
of still said superpower ,the U.S.
Yes i agree that its been the U.S dominance as a world leader for a very long time now and we say that there is a unipolar nature in the global economy.. with only two countries as Japan and china next to U.S. which are still too far from its current position.
But according to an estimation made by an organisation .... based on the current trends....
Within next 15 years, China would be the world’s biggest economy followed by U.S and India. India currently at 4th position will move ahead of Japan... currently at 3rd position.
Already since 80's India,China along with South Korea have been contributing to the rising share of Asia in world GDP.
By 2025 the Indian economy is projected to be about 60 per cent the size of the US economy. The transformation into a tri-polar economy will be complete by 2035, with the Indian economy only a little smaller than the US economy but larger than that of Western Europe.
Thus the prognosis (based on facts and figures) makes me realize that even though India may not b the biggest economy even in 30 yrs from now, but yes it would the biggest threat to the then superpower.... China and would surely be the third soundest economy(very close to U.S. )followed by Japan.
bbye for now...
Njoy life
Never Stop Dreaming

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What is MERCHANDISING ???????
It has been the toughest year for me , for the first time, explaining people as wat my course is all about..
Most of us confuse Merchandising with fashion designing.....
Though, Merchandising and Fashion designing , both cater to the apparel(garment) industry...but the jobs are entirely different....
Merchandising as per the dictionary term implies the "buying and selling of goods". But in the apparel industry ---
the term exaggerates to a more detailed job work...
A merchandiser is a manager specific to the export and the buying houses.
A merchandiser is one, who is the only link between the buyer and the company. The merchandiser oversees various departments(as in cutting,sewing,finishing..) and is responsible for the completion of the order placed by the buyer.Any fault at any stage might count as the merchandiser's responsibility.And has to be rectified at the cheapest available cost as the market for this industry is most price sensitive.
Also a merchandiser should have an indepth knowledge of all the critical points in an garment....,the know how of various fabrics.., and management and marketing concepts.
Till past few years ,the demand for the merchandisers was less as only the big names in the industry were requiring specific heads.This was done to render the timely delivery of the orders in th export market. But today when the economic boundaries have begun to fade out and the world market has been opened to all , all small and big companies are directing towards and upgradation and a systematic approach to work.
Thus the industry is at its peak to absorb the merchandisers and make huge benefits..
I think this post shoud bring an idea and an understanding of the job!
BBye for now
Njoy life
Never stop dreaming

Saturday, June 25, 2005

i just read 1 beautiful poem,a must read for evry1
The poem really makes u "realize"

Go ahead......................

To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.

To realize
The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when

you can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one.

I hope u liked it....

Njoy life
Never stop dreaming